When is a mobile phone not a mobile phone?

When is a mobile phone not a mobile phone?

Hey you wonderful things out there (hope someone is listening or maybe that’s my ego speaking!). Just thought I’d share this little story. The picture posted was the front page story of the Teifi Side a weekly newspaper in West Wales. The star who of course is ten year old moi, just in case you hadn’t guessed. I had just been parted from my appendix. But this my pretties is not the reason for the photographs inclusion. It was the first mobile phone to be used in the hospital EVER. “A mobile phone?” I hear you ask “Were the Welsh that advanced in technology that long ago…Well they do produce Dr Who and he did have a travelling police box! But I digress. The only thing mobile about this phone are the wheels. That’s why it was mobile duhhh. Fit that one in your handbag!

About suedalby

'Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English); 'now I'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Yep that's me. I am curious and sometimes I have been called nosey! but I am just one of those people who find other people fascinating and love the magic that goes along with life watching.
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